

Returning to the USA in 2 days

Because I wanted to be here for my grandmother, my plan has been modified somewhat, and I am going to fly back to the USA on the 17th. I will be going to Tokyo with my parents to visit some relatives, and then I will go to the airport in Narita the next day.
I know this blog is incomplete this year, but I wanted to thank each and every one of you for taking your time to take a look at it.
Thank you!!!



It's all done!

My grandmother passed away around 11:45pm on Wednesday, the 10th. Before and after that, my family stayed busy going back and forth between my parents' house and Tokyo.
We left for Tokyo early morning on Thursday, but we got stuck in traffic jam a couple of times and we arrived at Grandma's house around noon. We did not know that she had passed away already until my father's cousin called us and told us that while we were driving. What a shocking moment that was!
We had a Buddhist ceremony for her. We went out with the relatives and I got to see about 10 relatives that I had either met once years ago or never before.


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More Pictures...

On the right side of this page, you'll now see a sign that says "Curious3's Fotolife". If you click on that, you'll see newly added pictures as well as the old ones. After you click on "Curious3's Fotolife" and you get to the next page, please select one of the three folders on your right. The folders are titled "Egypt", "Greece", and "Japan". I'll add more pictures tomorrow night. So if you get a chance, I hope you can see them, too!

