
祖母の最期に間に合うように帰って来たりするために、少し予定が変わったりしましたが、17日にアメリカに帰ることになりました。明日、両親と東京や横浜の親戚の家に寄り、次の日には成田空港に行きます。 今年のこのブログは未完成なんですが、ここで見てく…

Returning to the USA in 2 days

Because I wanted to be here for my grandmother, my plan has been modified somewhat, and I am going to fly back to the USA on the 17th. I will be going to Tokyo with my parents to visit some relatives, and then I will go to the airport in N…


祖母が10日の水曜日の夜11時45分ぐらいに亡くなりました。その前後、私の家族は東京と静岡を行ったり来たりで大忙しでした。 木曜の朝早く東京に向けて発ったんですが、渋滞に何度かあたり、祖母の家に昼ごろ着きました。父のいとこから電話で聞くまで祖母が…

It's all done!

My grandmother passed away around 11:45pm on Wednesday, the 10th. Before and after that, my family stayed busy going back and forth between my parents' house and Tokyo. We left for Tokyo early morning on Thursday, but we got stuck in traff…


このページの右側に「Curious3's Fotolife」なる所があるので、それをクリックしてみてください。次のページになったら、右側にある3つのフォルダー、「エジプト」「ギリシャ」「日本」と英語で書いたのがあるので、それをクリックしてみてください。明日の…

More Pictures...

On the right side of this page, you'll now see a sign that says "Curious3's Fotolife". If you click on that, you'll see newly added pictures as well as the old ones. After you click on "Curious3's Fotolife" and you get to the next page, pl…


日本に今日到着しました。東京の祖母を訪れました。意識もあって私のことがわかったみたいで嬉しかったです。 今夜は東京に泊まって、明日一晩だけ静岡に帰り、明後日また両親と戻ってくるつもりです。兄弟は今週か週末東京に来ることになると思います。 ま…

Hello from Japan again

I have arrived in Japan today. I've visited my grandma in Tokyo. She was conscious and recognized me, and I'm happy about that. I will stay here in Tokyo tonight and then go home to Shizuoka for one night and then return here with my paren…



Returning to Japan Sooner

Because of my grandmother’s health condition, I’ve decided to return to Japan tomorrow. Ken is also leaving tomorrow evening, too. I’ll upload all the pictures and more writings when I get to my parents’ home. I should be back in Tokyo on …



Islamic Area & Christian Area

Samy took Ken and me to both Islamic and Christian areas in Old Cairo. The buildings were very beautiful. I don’t have much time now, so I’ll just keep it at that. I’ll write more in a few days. Sorry!




On our way home, we asked Samy to take us to McDonald’s. We wanted to have McArabya. It’s kofta (spicy ground meat) in pita. We had one chicken and one beef McArabya’s. They were good, but they don’t taste as good as the food they make at …


サミーにサッカーラという町に連れて行ってもらいました。そこには小さいけど階段みたいな形をした独特なピラミッドがあります。そこには行ったことがなかったので、私も嬉しかったです。(^^) 実は、このピラミッド、期待以上で、面白く、エキサイティングで…


Samy took us to a city called “Saqqarah” where they have another pyramid. It’s smaller in size, but it’s unique for having a stair-like shape. I had never been there either, so I’m happy that I had a chance to go there, too. (^^) We didn't…



The Sphinx

Ahmed dropped us off in front of the Sphinx. Egyptians often call it “SphinkEs”. I think it’s because of their linguistic transfer from Arabic to English. We went near the big cat with a human head. Ken took a picture of his head from the …



Pyramids! Pyramids!

We went to the pyramids on the horse carriage. We had an English-speaking tour guide called Ahmed. He was a young man, but he told us that he’d quit his school and worked there for 18 years, because something happened in his family when he…



Money (Not Monkey) Business

We first went to the Pyramids of Giza. We ate sandwiches firs at a place where we made arrangements inside the pyramid area. The Egyptian government changed some rules last year, and the driver can not go into the gate of the park now. So …


健は初めてのエジプトなので、プライベートなツアーを組むことにしました。ハニー君が奥さん、ナーナのいとこ、サミーを雇うのを手伝ってくれました。サミーはナーナのいとこなんだけお、子供の頃同じ家で育ったので、二人は兄健だと言っていました。 サミー…

Our Very Own Tour

Because this was Ken’s first visit to Egypt, we decided to have our own private tours arranged. Hany helped us make arrangements with his wife, Nana’s cousin, Samy. Samy is her cousin, but they lived in the same house when they were kids, …



Hello from Egypt again

Ken and I arrived in Egypt. At Cairo airport, there was a Japanese couple. Their guide was asking them questions in English, but they did not understand what they heard. So I said in Japanese, “Can I translate for you?” The Japanese man sa…



Conference Tour

My brother, Ken and I went on the tour the conference offered. It was at an additional cost of 60 euro per person, but we figured we might not get to these places unless they took us there by bus. Stopping a taxi turned out to be such a di…



Conference Presentation

After checking into the hotel room, #632 (I memorized this as 6 divided by 3 is 2), I went to listen to Aymen’s presentation. I almost missed it because I got there about 2 hours late. He gave a very good presentation, and I was very proud…