Dear Family & Friends

My name is Curious (for those of you who know my real name, please try not to use it here and call me Curious on this website). This summer, I'll be traveling to Japan, Egypt, and Greece. I will be uploading pictures and some entries whenever I can. Sometimes I write A LOT, so please skip to any parts that may interest you and ignore the rest. (^^)

Oh, by the way, I use Japanese emoticons more than the international ones. American emoticons like 8) ;) are viewed sideways, but the Japanese ones are right-side-up. In other words, (^^) is a a face with two smiley eyes. >_< shows two closed eyes and a closed mouth which indicate that I'm going "This is sour!" or "Oh, no!" or something along that line.

The date & time setting is based on Japan time. So sometimes it may be a little off because of the time difference.

Please feel free to upload your comments at any time. You can click on the dates on the calendar or the title and choose where you want to add your comments. I'll be waiting! (^^)

I know my friends out there are very kind-hearted and sensitive to other people's feelings, but I need to remind everyone who visits this site (since this is open to the public) that we need to remember to be sensitive to everyone's viewpoints, cultural backgrounds, and beliefs, religious or otherwise. My friends who visit this website include many Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and atheists as well as conservative people and not-so-conservative people.
♪It's a small world, after all...♪