Conference Presentation

After checking into the hotel room, #632 (I memorized this as 6 divided by 3 is 2), I went to listen to Aymen’s presentation. I almost missed it because I got there about 2 hours late. He gave a very good presentation, and I was very proud of him. The topic was on methodology, so he said he saw many blank faces in the audience. After his presentation, we went to the lobby and I told him what had happened to me on the train. He said he was very proud of me for quickly getting my wits together and taking the actions I did. I was proud, too.

In the afternoon, my brother arrived at the hotel by taxi. I really didn’t want him to miss out on an opportunity to go to Acropolis. Thanasis was going to take him and Aymen there. So after making arrangements for that, I rushed to where I was supposed to give my presentation and presented. The tech support person promised to come before my presentation to help me with setting up my powerpoint document, but he never showed up although I talked with him 10 minute before my time to confirm that he was going to help me. So I wasted a few minutes of my time dealing with computer issues. But I was able to use powerpoint, and I was satisfied with that.

I saw many people nodding in the audience (I’d say there were about 30 people or more) as I spoke, and that made me feel good. Then after my presentation, as I was walking away, many people whispered “Wonderful presentation!” There was one professor in the audience whose presentation I was particularly impressed by. When she said “That was really good. Can I have your contact information?”, I felt super good! Among all the presentations I gave at various conferences, I’d say this was my highest moment for me. Some other professors of various universities came to me and asked me for my contact information, too. Wow!
I was really proud of myself on this day! I got my credit cards back from the thief (-ves) AND my presentation was a great success!!! I’m still angry about the thief (-ves), and I get very scared thinking that I might have lost everything at that time if I didn’t move quickly. Cash is cash, but if I’d lost other important documents, I wouldn’t even know what I’d have done. Realizing that I was able to do this myself, it gave me confidence. So over all, I’d say this was a wonderful day for me.