Hello from Seattle, Washington

I’m now in Seattle, Washington, waiting for my next flight to Japan. The first flight from Chicago to Seattle was OK. Not super comfortable, and not super uncomfortable. I was not happy with the airport employees at O’Hare, though. I never had any problems there until now. Well, I talked with a manager to report complains, but she didn’t seem to care either. So I just decided to let it go. Not worth my energy…
On the plane, I sat in an isle seat. The seat right next to mine was empty. The woman who sat by the window and I began to talk and I said that I was on my way to Japan and that I had a long way to go. Then she said “Oh, I understand what you mean. This time, I’m only visiting my aunt in Seattle, but I sometimes go back to my country, Ghana, West Africa.” Ooooooooooooooh, Ghana!
I told her that I’d been to Ghana. She was surprised, and I told her about my experiences there. It was funny that she said “Ghana, West Africa”. She said many people don’t know where Ghana is. I then remembered many of my African friends saying “Americans think that Africa is one big country.” I think it is probably true. Unless we’re careful, we treat all African countries as if Africa is a great big country.