Sudoku Grandma

One of the most important reasons that I’m back in Japan now is to see my Grandma. She’s now very ill, and we don’t know how much more time she has before she leaves us. So let me write a few words about her.
She is now 89 years old. She is from Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, a northern city of Japan, but she’s lived in Tokyo for about 70 years. I’m her oldest grandchild and also I lived near her in Tokyo when I was a baby. So I am fortunate that I got to spend a lot of happy times with her throughout my life.
She grew up as a direct descendent of samurai (which none of us knew about until she told me about it two years ago). She always told us funny stories about her childhood, and she’s been very clever with words. She also loves solving puzzles. She loves crossword puzzles and Sudoku, so I always bought her some Sudoku books from the USA since I knew American crossword puzzles wouldn’t work for her because of the language barriers. (^^)
I got to see her again today before I leave for the airport tomorrow. It’s sad to see her ill and weak, but I am glad I got to see her again today. Maybe I'll get to see her again when I return from Egypt and Greece.