Jetlag hits hard

It was extremely hot here yesterday. Of course, it’s nothing compared to the weather in July that I experienced in Aswan 3 years ago, but still, it was one of those days I wondered why people in the ancient times decided to settle here. That’s how I feel about Indiana in the middle of the winter. (^^)
Well, I didn’t go anywhere yesterday. I stayed home, talking with Mama and Sanaa’s family. Mama and I talked about how hard it is to travel a long distance, especially when there’re language barriers. She told me about the time she went to visit her son in the US and had to transfer at 3 airports on foreign lands. She said she understood nothing and it was scary to her. I thought how lucky I am to have learned English and can communicate with people in many parts of the world.
I enjoyed my conversation with Mama. Meanwhile, it was getting hotter and hotter. So I took two naps, one hour each. Then I went to bed around 8pm. Well, that’s 2am Japan time and 1pm Indiana time. So my whole body is so confused and it doesn’t know when to want to sleep and when to stay awake. It’s now 3:30am, and I got up to come to the living room to type this up.