Traffic Accident

I am now sitting near the window. I heard some people saying “aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh”, then heard a loud Kabung-shan! So I opened the window and looked down onto the street from the 6th floor. There was a motorcycle and a bicycle on the ground and a young man rubbing his leg. Then 23 men came and helped the man get up. 2 of them were in police or security guard uniforms. I could hear their voices, but I didn’t understand what they were saying.
After a few minutes of discussing and checking the motorcycle, three men got on the motorcycle and went away. The man rubbing his leg stood up, and another man started to push the bicycle going the other direction from the motorcycle. Well, if they all left the place in the directions they were trying to go to, I’d say that the bicyclist was going the wrong direction on one of the busiest streets in downtown Shoubra.
Traffic here is horrible. Yesterday I saw another accident involving two cars. Sanaa and I heard people arguing, but no one seemed to be hurt, so we said “mush muhimm (not important)” and return to cooking. During the day (and most of the night), the traffic is so heavy that you’d find crossing the street to be a life-threatening activity. Last year, I went to a CD store with Beshoy and Bola. I got so scared that we couldn’t cross the street. So we stopped a taxi and asked the driver to take a U-turn and help us cross the street. We paid 1 ginii (about 17 cents) to the driver and I gave my big THANKS from the bottom of my heart.