How I got out of the Buildling

Yesterday was the first day at the conference. Yes. I came here to give a presentation at this international conference. (Yes. I just remembered that, too.) Thanasis was kind enough to draw a map to the metro station the night before and he also showed me how I could go to the train station near the hotel where the conference was held. I asked him where the bakery was, so I now could go to the supermarket, metro station, and the bakery in his neighborhood.
Yesterday morning, I got up and got ready. Around 8am, I decided to go downstairs to leave the building. I used Thanasis’ key to the door to let me out of the building. Well, it didn’t work! So I worked on it, and worked on it, and worked on it. Nothing happened! So then I decided to ring the door bell to one of his neighbors. I happened to ring the bell of the apartment manager, a very grumpy old man. He just began yelling at me in Greek. I wasn’t scared but annoyed. So I just politely said “Thank you. Sorry for disturbing you.” Then I left. He was still yelling, but I didn’t care. I just left.
Then I went to Thanasis’ apartment and called him. He was staying not far from here. So he said he’d rush here to get me out. While waiting for him downstairs, a woman came to the door from outside. This woman opened the door and let me out. At that moment, Thanasis came and helped me go to the bakery and then told me how to get to the conference hotel.