Conference Tour

My brother, Ken and I went on the tour the conference offered. It was at an additional cost of 60 euro per person, but we figured we might not get to these places unless they took us there by bus. Stopping a taxi turned out to be such a difficult task for us, so we’re satisfied that we went on this tour. We visited a few places including where the first modern Olympics was held.
I was not impressed by the conference organizers’ work at all. The tour organized by them was not impressive, either. Ken and I had to leave the tour for the airport before getting to Acropolis, and that is why we had visited there before this day. Although it was not very impressive for many reasons, there were some funny incidences.
The tour guide was funny to us. She spoke English to us with strong Greek accent. The accent doesn’t bother us, but the strong “rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr” made it challenging for Ken to understand at times. I believe that the communication has to be beyond comprehension of words. Pragmatic comprehension, understanding the words within the given context, is just as important.
The guide explained how to get to this place and that place by taking this train and getting off at that station and so on very, very fast. Many of the names of the stops were unfamiliar to our ears. So one of the people asked the guide “Excuse me. Could you repeat that, please?” Then the guide replied “See? If I have my microphone and if 10 people talk at the same time, I’d have to repeat the same thing. So everyone, please do not say a word when I have my microphone like this.” We all giggled for being scolded by the guide and for her missing the point.