My Egyptian Family

My Egyptian Family is well and happy. When I arrived home around 2am this morning, Hany's wife and his Mama were awake and waiting for my arrival. They were cooking some food for me. We ate and talked and drank tea. It was wonderful.
Then this morning, HANY's Sister's youngest daughter, Little Nanna who is now 5.75 years old called Mama to ask if she could come upstairs and meet me. Mama told her that I was still sleeping. So Nanna waited some more and then came upstairs. We talked and played games together, and then slowly her whole family woke up and came upstairs to greet me. Then we all came downstairs to have breakfast together. It was just like before, eating Egyptian food with my Egyptian Family.
I also met Hany's baby, Angelina, for the first time. She's now 8 months old and she's sweet. She doesn't seem to cry much. I brought a little book of "peek-a-boo" from Japan for her. Nanna shows the book to the Baby, and she smiles. So let me upload pictures of Nanna with and without the Peek-a-boo book on her face.