Bola’s 11th Birthday

Yesterday (May 21st) was Bola’s 11th birthday. He had a plan for his birthday party. He told me his friends would come and dance and sounded really excited. Around noon, though, he noticed he had a few red spots on his back, and his mother, Sanaa (Hany’s sister), took him to the doctor. He had chickenpox!
So he had to cancel his party, and he was really sad. We all decided to make the best of it and we had a small party of our own at night. Sanaa bought a cake, half chocolate and half white with pineapple and kiwi.
We all sang “Happy Birthday to You” in English and Arabic. When they sing this song, the part “Birthday” sounds more like “Biiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrthday”, because they change the melody a bit. I think It sounds cute this way. Mama did the trill of joy, and we danced to some modern Egyptian songs.