How I met this Famiy

Some of you may be wondering how I happened to meet this family, so let me give you a brief history on how I happened to meet this family.
It is quite simple. 3 years ago when I was still thinking of doing my dissertation research on Coptic Christian families in Egypt, I was trying to visit Egypt for the first time. Because of my research interest, I decided to find a family I could stay with for a week so that I’d get to experience how local people really lived here in Egypt.
I went to visit my Jordanian friend who owned a restaurant in Indiana where I used to often go and visit to practice Arabic and also to help out in the kitchen. I asked this friend if he knew of anyone in Cairo who may be able to help me find a family I could stay with. Because of my interest, I asked for a Coptic Christian family.
He then called his friend who lives in Alabama who was originally from Shoubra, Cairo. He said “She can stay with my mom and brother.” This is how I happened to speak with my Jordanian friend’s Egyptian friend on the phone who then told his mother that a Japanese girl will visit Egypt and needed a place to stay for a week.
This Egyptian man gave his brother’s phone number to my Jordanian friend who then gave it to me as I was leaving for Japan. This brother was Hany, and I called him from Japan and he came to pick me up at the airport the first night I arrived in Cairo.
I came here with the intention of spending only a week with his family and ask if they knew of anyone else who might be able to help me for another week or help me find a hotel so that I wouldn’t be a burden to his family for a long time, but I got along with them so well that I ended up staying with them for one month and a half. (^^)