A little more about the Egyptian Family

Let me take a few moments to introduce all the family members to you. Now you know how I met Hany. I call him my Egyptian Brother. Because he was the first one I met, I tend to describe everyone in relation to him.
Hany’s mom is the one I call Mama. When I first met her, I asked what she wanted me to call her. She wanted me to call her Mama, so I call her Mama. Hany got married about 1.5 years ago, and he lives on the 11th floor (because they don’t count the base floor in Egypt, - maybe the influence of the British? – it’s our 12th floor in US or Japan). Hany’s wife, Nana, just had a baby, Angelina who is now 8 months old. They were debating yesterday when to give Angelina a tattoo of a cross on her wrist which all Coptic children get when they are very, very young.
Sanaa is Hany’s sister whom I call my Egyptian sister. Sanaa is only a few years older than I am, but her oldest daughter, Marina, is 18 and now a college student. Sanaa’s older son is Beshoy, a 16-year-old high school student whom I often chat with online. Bola is Sanaa’s second son, who just had a birthday yesterday and turned 11. Little Nanna is her youngest, and her real name is Meray. We all call her Nanna, because she said “Nanna” when she was a baby, and Nanna wanted to be called that instead of her actual name. Now she’s 5 and a half and she goes to a kindergarten where they call her Meray. So when I ask her what her name is, she says “Meray” where last year she used say “Nanna”. I still call her Nanna along with most of the family members. (^^) Sana’s husband, Maher, is an engineer and owns his own company. He leaves for work around 8am and comes home at 10:30pm.
Sanna’s family lives on the 6th floor, which again is our 7th floor, of the same building where Hany and Mama live. Everyone usually eats at Sanaa’s house. Mama and Sanaa cook together where I always join and cook with them. It’s fun!