Plan for Tomorrow

Tomorrow morning around 9am, I need to go to the airport to fly to Athens, Greece. My flight is leaving around 11:30, but I should be there a few hours early. It’s very early for Hany to take me to the airport. He says it’s OK, but I know he works throughout the night, and it’s hard for him to get up before noon. So I told him that I could easily take a taxi or go by donkey.
When I arrive in Athens, my new friend is going to be waiting for me. He’s actually my sister’s friend’s friend. When I learned that I’d be presenting at a conference in Greece this summer, I talked with my sister whose Greek friend in Japan attended her wedding last year. I asked if he might know someone who might be able to let me have a home-stay experience. He then contacted his friends, and one man is now letting me stay at his apartment. He’s going to stay with his friend while I am there for two nights at his place.
This same man is going to come pick me up at the airport. We have discussed a secret code so that he won’t pick up a wrong Japanese woman, and I won’t be chasing a wrong Greek man. We have also exchanged pictures of ourselves so that we’d know who to look for at the airport.
So if either Hany or a donkey can get up early enough to take me to the airport tomorrow, I should be meeting with my new friends in about 34 hours from now.