On the way to Acropolis!

We got on the train and we went to Acropolis. We walked from the modern Greece where I found a bank called “Alpha Bank”. I thought it looked cute, so I took a picture. We then walked from the modern area to an area which suddenly started looking a bit old. There was a Greek orthodox church. Behind it was a Turkish bath from the Ottoman Empire era, and then behind that was a high hill with some brown things behind it. Those brown things were the ruins of Acropolis!
Before climbing up there, I found some street venders selling strawberries and cherries. I wanted to try one before buying cherries. And Nadia asked if that was OK. The stingy (?) vender told us that we could only try one. So I tried one, and it tasted really sweet. So I bought 1 kg for 2 Euro. Very nice!
We then began to climb up the hill. Although it was not steep, it was a bit hard for me because I just had a knee surgery. Thanasis and Nadia decided to call their friend, Harris. We decided to play a joke on him, so I called him and asked if he could meet us at a café. He came to the café and joined us. I had frappe for the first time. It was really good. They taught me how to make it with regular Nescafe instant coffee. We spoke and had fun for a looooooooooong time. They told me that having a siesta time (relaxing time) is very important in Greece and people generally don’t rush at cafés.

We then decided to go up the hill to the top. It was lots of Ou-ou-ouch time for me, because some of the stairs were very steep. Thanasis jokingly told me that Ancient Greeks were very tall people with small feet, because each step was very high but very narrow in length. We were always joking and it was a lot of fun!