How I got to the Conference Hotel

I took the metro to Omonia, and then I took a taxi to the hotel. I wasn’t sure if the next station was Omonia, so I asked the man next to me “Is this pneumonia?” He looked puzzled, so I looked up at the map on the train and said it correctly this time. “Is this Omonia?” He then told me that I was on the train going in the opposite direction. Hahaha…

It was very stressful to stop a taxi, because taxi drivers will not stop for you. Even if they have no customers, they do not stop for you if they don’t want to for whatever reason. Finally, a taxi stopped for me. This person had two other customers in the backseats. So I didn’t know what that meant, but I told him where I wanted to go. Then he said “OK. Come!” So I went in. The two women in the back seat left at a train station nearby, and the driver took me to the hotel.

The driver and I were talking, and he would often ask me in the first person. For example, “Greece, I like?” So I responded, “Greece, I like.” “Acropolis, I go?” to which I answered, “Acropolis, I go yesterday.” We had excellent communication skills. (^^) Then he would point out all the exciting places to visit on the way. It was great! Here’s a picture of the driver. He told me his name, but it sounded soooooooooo Greek that I couldn’t remember. So let me just call him Mr. Driver #1.