アイスクリームはいかが? パート2

またまた魚センターに行って来ました。今回はすし用の魚を買いました。Curious風のすしを作るつもりです。家に帰る時、わさびアイスクリームをゲット! まあ、なんて言ったらいいんだろう…。この上なくまずかった!!!

Today's Japanese

sushi kudasai = (May I have) sushi, please(?) "kudasai" means "please (give me something)" when you have a noun before it. If you use it with a verb, it then becomes "please (do something)". Technically, you are supposed to add "o (an obje…

Care for some Ice Cream? Part II

I went back to the Fish Center again today. This time we bought some fish for sushi. I'm making sushi, the Curious style. On the way home, we got some wasabi ice cream. Let me tell ya! It tasted HORRIBLE beyong HORRIBLE!!!


南北に移動の旅行より、いくつもの時間帯を超える東西に移動する旅行の方が疲れちゃうんです。世界中の今現在の時間を調べたい時は、http://www.timeanddate.com/ で町の名前を入力してみてください。 日本:月曜の朝2時 エジプト:日曜の夜8時 ギリシャ:日…

Time Zones

It's difficult to travel west and east rather than north and south, because you'd then have to cross lots of different time zones. To find current local time of any given location in the world, you can visit http://www.timeanddate.com/ and…


今日は両親と焼津という隣の港町にあるさかなセンターに行って来ました。新鮮な魚が手に入るから…。私は毎年そこのソフトクリームを買いに行くんです。なんせ、色々な味のソフトクリームがあって、毎回新しい種類のを試すことにしてるんです。 今日売ってた…

Care for some Ice Cream?

My parents and I went to the Fish Center in Yaizu - a port city next to my hometown. We wanted to buy some fresh fish. I always go there every year to get some soft-serve ice cream. At this Fish Center, they have lots of flavors for soft-s…



KON-NICHIWA from Shizuoka

I visited my grandmother yesterday and then returned to my hometown, Shizuoka last night. My brother and one of my sisters came to spend the weekend with us, so we've been having lots of fun chatting and laughing. Tomorrow is Sunday, and t…



Health Check on the Plane

The health people came on board at Narita airport in Tokyo. It was really strange to see about a dozen people completely covered with doctors' outfits, masks (not those for Halloween), goggles, and hats. One man had a camera-like scanner (…




飛行機で5つの席をゲット!だから、ずっと横になってました。時々、映画が見たくなったら横向きになったりして楽しんでます。クレオパトラっていつも横向きになってたっていうイメージなんだけど、こうだったのかなあ。 なんで、182°っていうタイトルにした…

182 degrees

I got myself 5 seats on the plane. So I have been lying down on them. Sometimes I want to watch a movie, so I lie down sideways. I wonder if Cleopatra used to lie down sideways like that. The reason I’m calling this part 182 degrees is bec…


いえいえ、これをタイプしてるのは飛行機の中だけど、オンラインになってるわけじゃありません。 今日の飛行機ではびっくりする出来事がありました。客室乗務員って言うんだったかなあ?乗組員?船長?海賊?要は、飛行機の中のお手伝いさんです、ハイ。彼ら…

Hello from Airplane

I’m not online now, but I’m typing this on the airplane from Seattle to Tokyo. It was the strangest thing. Before we took off, the flight attendants began to pass out lots of forms for us to fill out – the usual customs forms – immigration…



Seattle’s Best Coffee

In Bloomington, I sometimes go to a coffee shop inside a bookstore. I see “Seattle’s Best Coffee” signs there, and so I thought it would be a popular thing here in Seattle. BUT I only see Starbucks around here! I know I haven’t left the ai…



Hello from Seattle, Washington

I’m now in Seattle, Washington, waiting for my next flight to Japan. The first flight from Chicago to Seattle was OK. Not super comfortable, and not super uncomfortable. I was not happy with the airport employees at O’Hare, though. I never…

Hello from Tokyo

I'm now in my hotel room in Tokyo. I had the hardest time trying to open the door. The door opens outward here!!! It's the opposite at the hotel I always use in the US. But then again, the apartment and house doors open inward in USA and t…

Today’s Japanese

rimokon ga nai… = I can’t find the remote control… (literally, it means ‘remote control does not exist’) “ga” makes the preceeding noun the subject of the verb. “nai” means “something does not exist” or negation. “rimokon” is remote contro…



Today's Language

From time to time, I’ll be introducing some expressions or phrases in the language of the community I’m visiting. When I see you, I may give you a test to see how many words you have actually learned. So get your pencil and paper ready! --…


あと数時間で日本に向けて出発します。今回は、航空会社のマイレージを使って日本に行くため、直行便が選べず、シアトル経由となりました。2ヶ月前に膝の手術をしたので、空港では車椅子を押してもらうことになっています。 次回このブログを書くのは日本に…

Leaving for Japan

I'm leaving for Japan in a few hours. I'll first have to go from Chicago to Seattle. This time, I'm using frequent flyer mileage, and I could not get direct flights. Because of the knee surgery I had two months ago, someone will put me in …



Arrived in Kankakee

I arrived in Illinois last night. Cookie and I went out for dinner. Since I had a really late lunch at my Iraqi family's restaurant in Indiana with a nice Japanese family, I was not very hungry. I ordered pasta, and I got really soggy past…



Choosing Your Names

I forgot to mention that you can choose your name when you write comments on this website. You don't need to write your actual name. Unless you choose names that you know I'd recognize, I may not know who you are. If you choose one that yo…