

Egyptian Food

Yesterday before I got sleepy, Little Nanna and I helped Mama and Sanaa make mahshii. Mahshii is stuffed vegetables in general, and this time we made “waraa aineb (literal translation is ‘grape paper’ which means ‘grape leaves’)”. Sanaa’s …


昨日はすんごく暑い一日でした。もちろん、3年前の7月のアスワンとは比べ物にならないぐらいだったけど、昔々、何で人間がここに住もうと思ったのか不思議に思うような暑さでした。まあ、インディアナの冬も私は常々そう思ってるんですが…。(^^) 昨日はどこ…

Jetlag hits hard

It was extremely hot here yesterday. Of course, it’s nothing compared to the weather in July that I experienced in Aswan 3 years ago, but still, it was one of those days I wondered why people in the ancient times decided to settle here. Th…


エジプトに来るたびに外に服を干すのが怖くてしょうがないんです。高いんですから!まず腕をこれでもか、っていうぐらいに伸ばして、外につきだすんです、それが6階だろうと11階だろうとお構いなしで! 何か落としてしまった時にはロープつきのバスケットを…

Laundry Time!

Every time I'm in Egypt, I get scared of hanging clothes outside. It's all because of the height! Let me tell you, we need to stretch our arms out to hang clothes out from the window on the 6th floor or even on the 11th floor. If you drop …



Today's Arabic

I just realized that I have not introduced greetings to you yet this year. So here we go. (By the way, I'm writing H in lower case and upper case, because they're different sounds in Arabic.) merHaban = hello You've probably heard Muslims …





Today’s Arabic

I only studied the Modern Standard Arabic at the University of Arizona and Indiana University. Here in Egypt, though, they speak the Egyptian dialect. Many words are the same and they’re just pronounced differently. Other times, it’s beyon…


もうちょっとしっかり家族の紹介をします。ハニー君との出会いがどうだったかは上に説明した通りです。ハニー君が一番最初に会った人なので、他の人の説明もたいてい、ハニー君にどうつながっているかで説明することが多いです。 ハニー君のお母さんが私がマ…

A little more about the Egyptian Family

Let me take a few moments to introduce all the family members to you. Now you know how I met Hany. I call him my Egyptian Brother. Because he was the first one I met, I tend to describe everyone in relation to him. Hany’s mom is the one I …


この家族にどうやって出会ったのか不思議に思っている人もいるかもしれませんから、簡単に説明します。 とってもシンプルな出会いだったんです。3年前、私がまだエジプトのコプト教の家族について研究をしようと思っていた頃、初めてエジプトに来ようと考え…

How I met this Famiy

Some of you may be wondering how I happened to meet this family, so let me give you a brief history on how I happened to meet this family. It is quite simple. 3 years ago when I was still thinking of doing my dissertation research on Copti…

Bola’s 11th Birthday

Yesterday (May 21st) was Bola’s 11th birthday. He had a plan for his birthday party. He told me his friends would come and dance and sounded really excited. Around noon, though, he noticed he had a few red spots on his back, and his mother…


私のエジプトの家族は変わりなく元気でハッピーそうです。今朝の2時ぐらいに家に着いたとき、ハニー君の奥さんとお母さんが起きて待っていてくれて、食事を作ってくれました。食べたり喋ったりお茶を飲んだりで楽しかったです。 今朝、ハニー君のお姉さんの…

My Egyptian Family

My Egyptian Family is well and happy. When I arrived home around 2am this morning, Hany's wife and his Mama were awake and waiting for my arrival. They were cooking some food for me. We ate and talked and drank tea. It was wonderful. Then …



Hello from Cairo

・0 minutes. The airport workers got worried about me waiting for my brother for about 30 minutes (at this point, I didn't know that Hany couldn't come). So many of the workers came and talked to me if I needed a taxi or if I needed to cal…


日本に今いる理由の中で際立って大切なのは、祖母に会うことです。今、病気で、あとどのぐらいの間元気でいられるか分からない状態なんです。そこで、ちょっとだけ祖母について書きたいと思います。 祖母は今89歳の福島県会津若松出身なんですが、東京に70年…

Sudoku Grandma

One of the most important reasons that I’m back in Japan now is to see my Grandma. She’s now very ill, and we don’t know how much more time she has before she leaves us. So let me write a few words about her. She is now 89 years old. She i…



Flu Madness

As you may have already heard, we now have around 170 patients with the new type of flu in Japan. The whole country is going outrageously crazy, and yesterday I decided not to go to Egypt and Greece. Then I thought about it some more and d…


そろそろ空港に向けてホテルを出る準備をしてます。両親も同じホテルにいるので、空港に車で連れて行ってくれることになりました。 昨日、面白いドリトスを見つけたので、写真をアップします。変な形なんだけど、味は本当のタコスみたいです。やっぱり本物の…

Doritos & Coffee

I'm getting ready to leave the hotel for the airport. My parents are staying at the same hotel, so they're going to take me to the airport by car. Let me show you the Doritos I found yesterday. They're in a funny shape, but the flavor is t…



It’s really happening!

I called my Egyptian brother yesterday morning to make sure he knew what time I’d arrive today. It was Monday night for him and Tuesday morning for me. So I said “I’ll see you tomorrow” then we had to define what “tomorrow” was. It made it…



Healing TV

It’s about 2:53 am Japan time. I just woke up because I’m super jet-lagged (I don’t fight it when I only stay in one time zone for a short time). I turned on TV now when a program called “Healing TV” started. The Temple of Parthenon sudden…