

He Took My Purse!!!

I had to take a very crowded train to Omonia again on the second day (Tuesday) of the conference. Thanasis took me to the train station and helped me get on the right train. The train was crowded, and I had all my luggage (a small carry-on…

What I want

I found something at the museum that I would like to have. All the other things are nice to see, but I would never want to own them. But now, these are wonderful! I would really love to own one myself. (^^)





Archeological Museum

Thanasis, Nadia, Ken, Aymen, two other Arab professors, and I went to the Archeological Museum in Athens. Ken and I were very excited about it. We were first greeted by the sign saying that we could not use the flash when taking pictures a…



How I got out of the Buildling

Yesterday was the first day at the conference. Yes. I came here to give a presentation at this international conference. (Yes. I just remembered that, too.) Thanasis was kind enough to draw a map to the metro station the night before and h…




After the conference, Thanasis came to the famous Syntagma Square to go out with Aymen and me. We went to a café nearby. Thanasis had coffee. Aymen and I shared two types of ice cream – caramel and kaimaki (not sure of the spelling or the …



Lunch! Lunch!

The outrageously expensive conference registration fee included the cost for the buffet lunch on the rooftop (No. It IS flat and horizontal so it’s not like we were all holding onto something as we eat so that we wouldn’t fall.) We had lot…



Conference! Conference!

I finally got to the hotel. I registered, and then went to the lobby area. I sat down and decided to spend a few moments before going into the conference area. Then a very familiar voice called my name. I looked up, and my Sudanese friend,…



How I got to the Conference Hotel

I took the metro to Omonia, and then I took a taxi to the hotel. I wasn’t sure if the next station was Omonia, so I asked the man next to me “Is this pneumonia?” He looked puzzled, so I looked up at the map on the train and said it correct…



My First Greek Dinner at Taverna

Thanasis and Nadia took me to a taverna (restaurant) on our way back down the hill. Taverna sounds like “taberuna” in Japanese which mean “Do not eat”. Thanasis who studied in Kyoto, Japan, for 1.5 years understood it when I pointed it out…



Acropolis! Acropolis!

We made it to the top, and Thanasis’ cousin showed us around. It was like having our own private tour guide. He took us to all these different parts of Acropolis. Each architecture was impressive looking and I began wondering about the his…



On the way to Acropolis!

We got on the train and we went to Acropolis. We walked from the modern Greece where I found a bank called “Alpha Bank”. I thought it looked cute, so I took a picture. We then walked from the modern area to an area which suddenly started l…


着きました!ギリシャのアテネにいます! 昨日の午後、ここの空港でもカメラ(たぶん体温をスキャンするもの)が設定してあって、そこで女性が一人一人にどこからの便に乗ってきたかを聞いていました。カイロからだと答えると、出身はどこか聞かれたので、日…

Hello from Athens

I’m here! I’m in Athens, Greece! I arrived here yesterday afternoon. At the airport here, also, they had a camera (I think it was a temperature scanner) and a woman asking each passenger where we flew from. I answered that I flew in from C…



Traffic Accident

I am now sitting near the window. I heard some people saying “aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh”, then heard a loud Kabung-shan! So I opened the window and looked down onto the street from the 6th floor. There was a motorcycle and a bicycle on the g…




Around 4:17 this morning, I heard Azan (call for prayers from mosques). This must be the first Azan of the day – Muslims pray 5 times a day (and many pray more in between on their own). Although I am not a Muslim, I am very familiar and co…



Plan for Tomorrow

Tomorrow morning around 9am, I need to go to the airport to fly to Athens, Greece. My flight is leaving around 11:30, but I should be there a few hours early. It’s very early for Hany to take me to the airport. He says it’s OK, but I know …